Ready to level up your game?!

Switch from inner-critic to inner-coaCH,
by growing true, deep, UNSHAKEABLE confidence and belief in yourself & your abilities
Confidence in soccer means having a positive view of yourself as a player and trusting in yourself, while simultaneously being able to look at your gaps and put in the work to improve. Confidence in soccer comes from physical and mental preparedness yes, but it also comes from taking action and purposefully working to build this skill.
YES! Confidence is a skill, it is something you can learn. Players with self-confidence have awareness of the detrimental role that limiting beliefs, results-based expectations, and dependency on external validation play, and they continually put in the work to build up their inner-coach and quiet the inner-critic.
Having confidence all comes down to having a healthy relationship with the game. A healthy relationship with the game means that your confidence is NOT attached to the outcome, your confidence is attached to the INPUT. When your confidence and self-worth are directly tied to your ability to produce an outcome that you don’t have full control over, you end up in an unforgiving cycle of disappointment where you are never satisfied with your performance and you consistently are filled with self-doubt. Learning to hold yourself to a new standard (based on things you can control) and redefine success as it relates to you moving forward and progressing each day, is key to having stable confidence that is independent of the outcome of the match or elimination of error.
For many players, wanting to have more confidence in soccer can seem like a never-ending, unsuccessful quest. It’s not uncommon for a player’s lack of self-confidence to persist and negatively impact their game for YEARS. It doesn’t have to be that way though, you CAN change things. Ready to give it a try?