Overcome obstacles, love the struggle

Having Grit & Grace;

How to Face Adversity & Get the most out of every Challenge

Mental toughness is an athlete’s ability to positively respond and persist through difficult situations, obstacles, mistakes, setbacks, and performance pressure. Mental toughness is about grit and perseverance. It’s about reframing things and being able to find value in every situation. It’s about resiliency and about self-compassion. It’s about getting back up and trying again. It’s about knowing that YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS and then FINDING A WAY TO DO THEM, no matter what is going on around you. It’s about controlling what you can control, letting go of what you can’t, and forging ahead. 

Here’s the truth, adversity is 100% guaranteed during your soccer journey. It is not possible to get to the top of your game without obstacles and challenges getting in your way and tripping you up. The wildest part? Overcoming these hard things is actually what PUSHES YOU FORWARD and takes your game to the next level. Finding your way THROUGH THE CHALLENGE, by holding yourself accountable to doing the work while at the same time being kind to yourself, is what builds character and what will ultimately help you become a better, stronger, more confident, consistent player.


How you gain mental toughness and grow your resiliency skills is by taking up an attitude of learning to love the struggle and having enthusiasm for challenge. Sound hard? Good, let’s get started.

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