The IMPACT (& VIP) programs

continued expansion for graduates of the Mindset Mastery Academy

Overview of both programs:

Impact Program - Mental skills bookclub, challenges & quarterly 1-1 calls

(best for players who want maintenance work after MMA)

VIP Program - Unlimited 1 on 1 support for players & parents

(best for players who want personalized sessions and ongoing support )

About the Impact Program:

Available only to players who have already completed the Mindset Mastery Academy, the IMPACT programs is all about using mental performance skills to become a difference maker on the field.

  • Quarterly investment of $299.
  • What’s included in each 3 month session:
    • A challenge or lesson to help players level up and develop good mental skills habits
    • Mental Skills Bookclub: we read 1 book per quarter and have one meeting per month (Jenn runs these). In the meetings we will have our Book Club discussion and have general Q&A for anything mental skills related.
    • One personalized 1-on-1 player meeting for the quarter (limited to Tues, Wed, Friday or Sundays)

Want monthly 1-1 meetings? Available UPGRADE: Quarterly investment of $599 with monthly 1-on-1 meetings. Enroll here.  

  • Notes:
    • Group classes will all be Fridays and Sundays. We will record meetings for those that can’t attend. 
    • Additional 1-1 meetings available at $250/meeting, limit 1 total per month.
    • No parent meetings are included in this, but can be added on.
    • MMA Masterclass will remain a separate thing, and free for everyone who has participated in MMA.
    • Access to materials is only available to players currently in the program
    • Cancel your subscription at anytime before the next quarter starts, no commitment beyond the 3 months.

Session 3 (Dec/Jan/Feb)

Information for currently enrolled players -

Book for Session 3 (Dec/Jan/Feb)

(Young Readers edition or regular version)

Book Club/group meeting schedule: 

DEC OPTIONS (choose 1)
Friday December 20th at 7:30 pm ET/6:30 CT/5:30 MT/4:30 PT
or Sunday December 29th at 7:30 pm ET/6:30 CT/5:30 MT/4:30 PT
JAN OPTIONS (choose 1):
Sunday January 26th time TBD 
or Sunday February 2nd at 7:30 pm ET/6:30 CT/5:30 MT/4:30 PT
FEB OPTIONS (choose 1):
Friday February 21st at 7:30 pm ET/6:30 CT/5:30 MT/4:30 PT
or Sunday February 23rd at 7:30 pm ET/6:30 CT/5:30 MT/4:30 PT

* if you cannot make a meeting, there will be a recorded version for you to watch back

 (click Impact Program 1-1s)

* must be scheduled at least a week in advance

* limited to Tues/Wed/Fri/Sundays

* if you ever need to reschedule, no problem just reach out asap

Email Jenn to enroll your player in the IMPACT program today, or use the links above. 

(only available to players who have already completed the Mindset Mastery Academy Foundations Program.)

The program runs on a quarterly basis. Current enrollment is for Session 4, which runs March/April/May 2025.

VIP program

LImited availability. Contact Jenn.
  • Minimum 6 month commitment required
  • Personalized mental skills coaching and mentorship for your player during this time (with your MMA coach)
  • 1-1 meetings for the 6 months. Recommended place to start: 2-3 official Zoom meetings per month but can do more or less as needed. No more than 4 Zoom calls in a month. Unlimited phone and text access as needed.
  • Flexible meeting time (NOT limited to certain days as the Impact Program is)
  • Parent support and parent meetings included at no extra cost