Ready to level up your game?!
Mental Skills Toolkit:
By staying focused on the things you can control...
Adversity is 100% guaranteed in soccer.
If you want to be the best, make sure you have a strategy to navigate it.
About the
Mental Skills Toolkit
A simple 3-step process you can use to coach yourself through ANYTHING...
STEP 1: Gaining self-awareness
STEP 2: taking action with self-talk
STEP 3: Objectively self-reflecting
Step 1: Gaining self-awareness
“Self-awareness is the ability to see yourself clearly and objectively through reflection and introspection.” – Positive Psychology
Self-awareness is the key to growth in soccer (and in life to be honest). On the soccer field, you can make improvements technically, tactically and physically without much self-awareness, but you won’t make an ounce of progression on the mental side of the game. Self-awareness is not only the first step to mental skills expansion, it is also the first step towards emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is your ability to understand, evaluate and self-regulate your emotions in a way that helps you on the soccer field and doesn’t hurt your performance, team relationships or overall development. Gaining self-awareness of your thoughts, your emotions and your actions is the necessary first step towards leveling up.