How do you overcome obstacles, get better at soccer AND grow your confidence? 

By staying focused on the things you can control...

Adversity is 100% guaranteed in soccer.
If you want to be the best, make sure you have a strategy to navigate it.

About the

Mental Skills Toolkit

A simple 3-step process you can use to coach yourself through ANYTHING...

STEP 1: Gaining self-awareness
STEP 2: taking action with self-talk
STEP 3: Objectively self-reflecting

Step 1: Gaining self-awareness

“Self-awareness is the ability to see yourself clearly and objectively through reflection and introspection.”  – Positive Psychology

Self-awareness is the key to growth in soccer (and in life to be honest). On the soccer field, you can make improvements technically, tactically and physically without much self-awareness, but you won’t make an ounce of progression on the mental side of the game. Self-awareness is not only the first step to mental skills expansion, it is also the first step towards emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is your ability to understand, evaluate and self-regulate your emotions in a way that helps you on the soccer field and doesn’t hurt your performance, team relationships or overall development.  Gaining self-awareness of your thoughts, your emotions and your actions is the necessary first step towards leveling up.

Being self-aware is where you start your journey toward becoming a better soccer player because...

It is only when you have self-awareness that you can begin to EFFECTIVELY make changes to the mental side of your game

Learn about how to grow your self-awareness:

read this stuff:

watch this stuff:

do this stuff:

🚨🔥❤️ Expand Your Game is EXPANDING... ❤️🔥🚨

The Mindset Mastery Academy is THRILLED to welcome Hannah, Autumn and Alyssa as Mental Skills Coaches for Fall 2024.

Transform your game with one of these PRO PLAYERS as YOUR PERSONAL COACH!

Are you ready to GAIN a MENTAL EDGE &

Get ahead of everyone else!?

for female soccer players age 10-18