What We Do

EYG's mission is to inspire female soccer players to focus on their mental wellness, empowering them to cultivate a healthy relationship with the game and maximize their performance on the field.

Players estimate that up to 90% of the game is mental, yet they typically spend 10% or less of their total training time focused on developing the mental side of their game. When mental skills training is not prioritized, impossibly high, unrealistic expectations of perfection and win-at-all-cost mentalities can dominate the soccer experience. This creates a very narrow definition of success and sets in motion a self-defeating cycle in which players can start to define their self-worth based on performance, which is a dangerous spot when it comes to mental wellness AND ability to make a difference on the field. 


We strive to help players redefine success and rediscover the joy in soccer by giving them tools to navigate the pressure, grow their confidence, play with consistencybuild mental toughness, and lead from everywhere. 


By growing their mental skills toolkit, players can elevate their game to the next level, overcoming mental hangups that have become a limiting factor in their performance. At Expand Your Game, our mission is to empower players to become their own best inner-coach, stay in the game by focusing on what they can control, and show up as the type of person and teammate they want to be, in the good times and the bad. 


Whether you’re seeking in-depth 1-on-1 mental skills training, easy-to-digest content inside our Community, or conveniently delivered insights to your inbox in a weekly newsletter, we offer a range of options to help parents, players, and coaches navigate the world of competitive and elite youth soccer with a healthy striving mentality.


What we offer

(1) Mindset Mastery Academy:

for soccer players

A one-of-a-kind, game-changing, 12-week mental skills mentorship experience for female soccer players aged 10-18. 
Our mental skills coaches have decades of collective experience navigating the pressure of competitive soccer and are deeply passionate about supporting young players. 

(2) EYG Community:

for parents & coaches

The Community is for people who are invested in learning how to create safe, positive spaces for players to develop a healthy relationship with the game. Inside the community, we provides invaluable resources for dealing with specific situations (new to club soccer, injury, starting high school, difficult teammates, etc.), and give you access to tools, recordings, videos, and exercises to help both you and your player.

(3) The Tuesday Transition:

for everyone

The Tuesday Transition is a dose of self-reflection and growth for anyone interested in cultivating a better mindset on & off the soccer field. Mental skills work is a combination of enhancing performance AND working on wellbeing, and delivering helpful, practical advice in those two areas is exactly what this newsletter does.