The ABSOLUTE BEST Reason for Soccer Players to Meditate? Here’s our #1 Motive

You hear a lot of athletes talk about meditation these days, the benefits and advantages of meditation in sport, right? Sometimes all the science and all the data-driven reasons can be a lot to take in and without having meditated before, it can be difficult to truly internalize and understand the benefits unless you have directly experienced them.
Today we are going to make this as simple as possible and give you just one, EXCEPTIONAL, outstanding reason that you should start meditating as a soccer player.
Meditation for soccer players explained. Keeping things simple, here's the number one reason that soccer players should meditating daily

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The #1 reason for soccer players to meditate

The biggest reason for soccer players to meditate is this: meditation is EXACT practice for being able to stay focused on the field. It also helps you move AWAY from self-defeating thoughts, such as overthinking or getting hung up on mistakes, and keep your attention on the game in front of you. The #1 reason for soccer players to meditate is to practice bringing your wandering mind BACK INTO THE PRESENT MOMENT.
Let me explain: when you meditate, your mind will start thinking about the past or the future, 100% guaranteed. Your job while meditating is NOT to ‘clear your mind’ (this is a common misconception), your job while meditating is to simply NOTICE when your mind wanders, and then bring your thoughts BACK to the present moment by focusing on your breath, sounds, or how your body feels. Basically back to anything that is present moment based.
A soccer player prepares to pass the ball during a high school soccer game

How does this help us play better soccer? It helps because what your wandering mind is doing during meditation is EXACTLY WHAT IS HAPPENING to your brain on the soccer field during a game. That mistake you just made? (thinking about the past) That missed opportunity? (thinking about the past) That goal you NEED to score today? (thinking about the future)

All of those thoughts are about the past or the future, none about the present. But the present moment is where the game is happening!! That is where you NEED to be if you want to play your best soccer. 

So, to reiterate, the single best reason for soccer players to meditate is to train themselves to come back to the present moment when their brain wanders. In a nutshell, meditation is EXACT PRACTICE for what happens on the soccer pitch; it’s how you learn to keep yourself focused on the game in front of you and ditch the self-defeating thoughts that aren’t present moment focused.
It’s practicing self-regulation OFF THE FIELD to help you ON THE FIELD. Interesting right? Make you wanna try it?

Silent meditation is key

When you start meditating, you might be drawn towards guided meditation, as there are a ton of apps on the market and it’s an easy way to begin. This is perfectly fine as a tool to get started but if you are wanting to use meditation as practice for bringing your attention back to the present moment when your thoughts carry you off in other directions, you eventually need to move towards a silent meditation practice. 
Guided meditation is great in its own right, especially in its ability to help players relax and be calm, but it doesn’t train your brain in the same way that silent, focused mediation for soccer players does. Silent meditation is a self-awareness building tool. And having a strong foundation of self-awareness is the key to staying focused and regulating your attention on the soccer field. It is the key to leveling up your game and maximizing your potential on the field.
A teenage girl meditates on a coach

Coaching yourself through the struggle

According to this article on Can You Zen, “in guided meditation, a qualified meditation teacher or experienced practitioner leads a student to practically apply the fundamental principles of a certain technique to their own mind. In unguided or silent meditation, a student learns to remind oneself and apply these principles on their own.”
It is important to point out here that silent meditation is HARD. But that is EXACTLY the reason we should do it. It’s NOT an easy task to regulate your attention and keep it in the present moment on the soccer field because a million and a half thoughts are threatening to divert your focus. This is why we want to practice silent meditation though, because it requires YOU to be able to regulate your attention on your own, with no third party guiding voice. YOU have to become that guide, your own best inner coach.

The best type of practice is practice where you struggle, and this will for sure be that. Because mediation is difficult and frustrating at times, it actually also helps us grow our mental toughness and helps us be able to sit with things that are uncomfortable. This is another great reason for soccer players to meditate: getting comfortable with the uncomfortable, both mentally and emotionally. 

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I'm new to meditation, how do I do it?

Here’s the thing about meditation for athletes, if you want to get the benefits, it’s all about CONSISTENCY. It can take some time for players to gain enough experience that they are able to notice a difference on the field in regards to keeping their attention in the present moment. If building a meditation practice is a goal you have as a soccer player, start out strong by planning out a schedule (we suggest downloading our FREE weekly soccer planner) and making an actual plan for how you will begin to carry this out.
In regards to HOW to actually meditate, we’ve pulled some information from our our Beginner’s Guide to Meditation for Soccer Players, but definitely check out the full article as it answers most questions. Keep in mind, as you develop a practice and learn more about it, you’ll discover what works best for you and create a practice that serves your needs. This advice here is simply a STARTING POINT for soccer players to begin meditating, after you get this down and have a routine going you’ll be more comfortable and able to push yourself further and try different things.
Meditation for soccer players: a beginner's guide


You should meditate at the time of the day that feels right for you. It can be first thing in the morning, before team training, or after a run or an individual practice session. It can be anytime that works for you. The most important thing is that you schedule in a time and keep it consistent, don’t bounce around.


When you are brand new to meditation, it’s best to start slow and build up. Don’t try to go for 30 minute sessions right off the bat because it’ll be hard and you might get frustrated and give up. Start with something small, 5-10 minutes usually works well, and build up from there as your practice gets more consistent.


Most people prefer to meditate in a quiet place with little to no distractions. This is probably the best option when you are just starting out because it’s easiest. A quiet, calm location is not a REQUIREMENT though, as learning to sit still and focus in the midst of distraction is actually an extremely important part of the process. 
A young women meditates on the floor of her bedroom


Sit in an upright posture – this allows you to breathe better and triggers the release of feel good hormones. You can sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground or cross legged against a wall. Alternatively, sit on the ground using a cushion to lift your hips off the floor and shift your knees forward, off the cushion. This supports the spine’s natural curve and takes the pressure off your lower back – making the whole experience easier and more comfortable for extended periods of time.


There are many different ways to meditate for soccer players, but for beginners it is best to start simple by closing your eyes and focusing on your breath. Breathe normally and use it as a cue, a thing to concentrate on and direct your attention to. Try and get really curious about each breath and how it feels in your body, investigate everything about each inhale and each exhale.
You can also use ‘noting’ to help you focus – a simple example is saying to yourself in your head “in” on the inhale and “out” on the exhale. ‘Noting’ helps you follow your breath easier and keep your attention on it. 
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Tips for soccer players starting a mindfulness meditation practice

Soccer players ready to give meditation a try, here are some tips as you get started:

  • Consider starting with guided meditations for awhile to help you get into a habit (we use 10% Happier, but there is also Calm, Headspace, etc.)
  • Once you have an established routine and you feel ready, try silent meditation.
  • Start small and increase the length of your meditations as time goes on (the important thing is to just get started, not length of sessions).
  • Remember, the goal is NOT TO CLEAR YOUR MIND – the goal is to notice when your mind wanders and then practice bringing your focus back to the present moment. THIS is the #1 reason for soccer players to meditate because this is exact practice for what happens on the field.
  • When your mind inevitably wanders try not to get upset with yourself. Instead congratulate your self for noticing that it wandered and then pull it back. THIS IS THE WIN. This is the training that applies directly to your game.

The reason for soccer players to meditate is to GAIN AN EDGE through mindfulness

The Oxford Dictionary describes mindfulness as both “the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something” and “a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.”
Mindfulness is a GAME-CHANGING mental skill that you can start to gain from meditating. Mindfulness skills are extremely impactful on your soccer game and can be just what you need to level up and gain an edge on your competition.
Soccer player in orange boots and orange socks dribbles up the field
When you are self-aware, present and consciously choosing your thoughts during game play, you are much more effective in regards to being able to support your team and make a difference in the moment. This is because your brain follows the most dominant thought in your mind and when your mind is focused on something good and useful, IT HELPS YOU PERFORM BETTER. Imagine that?
Something else helpful to know: your mind can also only focus on one thought at a time. So when you are in the past or the future thinking about ‘should-haves’ and ‘need-tos’, your mind is only focusing on that and isn’t able to be as sharp and vigilant as it needs to be to play your best soccer. When you are HERE, in the present moment, and your thoughts are only concentrated on the pieces of the game that are unfolding right in front of you, you are able to make WAY BETTER decisions, solve problems more effectively and create opportunities that you otherwise would have been too preoccupied with self-defeating thoughts to execute.
The absolute best reason for soccer players to meditate? To keep your thoughts focused on the present moment and what is going on right in front of you on the soccer field. Being able to do this is transformational. Being able to do this will change EVERYTHING.
Portrait of Jenn Ireland, Mental Skills Coach at Expand Your Game

Hi everyone! I’m Jenn and I create content to help female soccer players and coaches maximize individual and team potential by developing healthy mindset skills. Join other subscribers and sign up for the newsletter for all my best tips and advice!

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1 year ago

Very instructive articles. I enjoyed it.

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Hi everyone!

I'm Jenn, a USSF C-licensed youth soccer coach, mental skills coach & founder here at Expand Your Game. I created this site because it is the site I needed when I was a soccer player.

About me: I am a former newspaper photojournalist who loves downtempo electronic music, guacamole and books of every sort. And of course soccer! On days off you can find me researching tiny farms in Portugal , tossing a frisbee for my dog, or tending to my growing collection of indoor plants.

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