If you’ve found your way to this page and are taking the time to research team captains responsibilities, you are on the right path. You are taking the role seriously and are invested in learning about how to be a good soccer captain and what to do to help your team succeed. So let’s get to it.

While being named captain of your soccer team is exciting, it’s also a job that does come with responsibilities and commitments. But the best soccer captains will tell you, it is well worth the extra responsibilities because it calls you to become a higher version of yourself. Not only that, but if you really dive in and give it your all, you can actually have huge impact and help your soccer team PLAY BETTER as a collective and have more success week to week on the pitch.
This Post Contains:
How you got here: 7 qualities of a great team caption
Which qualities do you possess? Which ones do you think you could add to your leadership style? (Remember, there’s always room to grow into the role if you feel there are some things that you need to improve at in order to provide your team with the leadership it needs. Growth – yay!)

#1 - On field leadership and confident communication in the run of play
#2 - Respectful and appreciative of teammates, coaches and officials

#3 - Organized, takes initiative and is eager to help coaches & teammates
#4 - Reliable on and off the field, honest and trustworthy
#5 - Mature, growth-minded and understands the important of every role on the pitch

#6 - Hard working and takes responsibility for their actions
#7 - Supportive and encouraging; inspires and motivates in the face of adversity
The best captains all embody these 3 C's

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How to be a good soccer captain & level up your leadership

Your responsibility to yourself:
Your responsibility to your team:
Monitoring team chemistry is part of a team captains responsibilities and something that you need to help set the standard for right from the beginning. When you notice something amiss, feel tension or different energy circulating through the group, it is your responsibility to do your very best to steer things in a positive direction. Be aware of cliques, help keep the peace, lead calmly in the face of emotional upheaval after a big loss or an in-team issue. Remember – you have a lot of power to change the trajectory during certain circumstances, you were chosen as captain for a reason.

Captain may not always be the most glamorous job, but as in the rest of life, responsibilities aren’t always about glamour. They are about individual growth, forward progression, and learning, learning, learning. They are about becoming the best version of yourself that you can be. And sometimes that requires doing hard, uncomfortable things.
Lead from everywhere, even the bench
The BEST tip about how to be a good soccer captain actually comes from former USWNT player and leading international goalscorer Abby Wambach. And that tip is LEAD FROM EVERYWHERE. What this means is that leadership isn’t something that is only allotted to people with titles and in positions of power, it means leadership is something that lives within all of us and the more of us that step up and start leading from where we are, the stronger the collective will be.
"If you're not a leader on the bench, don't call yourself a leader on the field. You're either a leader from everywhere or nowhere."
Abby Wambach, Wolfpack
- leadership is taking care of yourself and empowering others to do the same
- leadership is not a position to earn, it’s an inherent power to claim
- leadership is the blood that runs through your veins – it’s born in you
- leadership is not a privilege of a few, it is a right and responsibility of all
- leader is not a title the world gives to you – it’s an offering that you give the world

Hi everyone! I’m Jenn and I create content to help female soccer players and coaches maximize individual and team potential by developing healthy mindset skills. Join other subscribers and sign up for the newsletter for all my best tips and advice!
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