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I am building a fire, and everyday I train, I add more fuel. At just the right moment, I light the match
Mia Hamm
The difference between mindset, mental performance skills & mental toughness
Mental performance skills help you stay calm, composed and focused on the soccer field. They reduce game-time stress and anxiety. They help you make good decisions, and less mistakes, in the run of play. Resiliency skills (being able to deal with adversity) also fall under the category of mental performance skills.
Mental toughness is where it all comes together
(While mental toughness in soccer DOES include having emotional control and being able to self-regulate, it is important to note that mental toughness does NOT refer to ‘keeping things inside’ and suppressing emotions, it simply means having control over what those emotions can potentially, detrimentally, cause you to do. Example: taking a swing at an opponent and getting kicked out of the game).
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The benefits of having mental toughness in sports
Mental toughness helps athletes in many ways. On the field, during a game, it can help you:
- Go into games with confidence and belief in your ability
- Stay calm & composed
- Keep going after mistakes
- Adapt to a changing game environment or unforeseen circumstances
- Control your emotions and regulate your attention
- Keep the negative, self-defeating thoughts at bay
- Stay focused in moments of high pressure
- Have more fun and find more joy in the game!
- Achieve high levels of athletic performance
- Maximize your potential and play to the best of your ability
- Have resiliency to bounce back after setbacks and injuries
- Take ownership of your development
- Have the patience to pursue excellence and 1% better each day
- Understand that the goal is always progress, not perfection
- Not get derailed or embarrassed by errors or missteps
- Better manage stress and hard situations
The path to achieving mental toughness in soccer starts here
Key Factor #1: Self-Awareness
This definition from explains self-awareness well: “Self-awareness is the ability to see yourself clearly and objectively through reflection and introspection.”
- Do you accept that there’s a lot you don’t know still?
- Do you admit your mistakes and try to learn from them?
- Are you able to look at things from different perspectives?
- Are you able to focus on growth & progression instead of just outcome?
- Do you have a good understanding of BOTH your strengths and weaknesses?
- Can you take feedback without getting defensive?
Why? Because you need to be able to clearly identify where you are currently at if you want to improve and change. Not where you THINK you are at, but where you ACTUALLY are at. Example: if you aren’t able to accept that you don’t know everything there is to know about the game of soccer, I’m sorry to say, but you are stuck. All forward progression is delayed until you can see that this is simply not true (and never will be).
The power of growth mindset, self-efficacy and healthy striving mentality
Key Factor #2: Mindset
Which MENTAL SKILL is Your Strongest?!
Situational Awareness?
How do you get to be mentally tough in soccer?
Key Factor #3: Mental performance skills
Here are some examples of mental performance skills, what they do and how to start practicing them.
Resiliency skills
The road from self-awareness to mental toughness
What WILL be similar for everyone though is the need for CONSISTENCY and LONGEVITY. This is called mental fitness – consistently working on growing mental performance skills over a long period of time. It is what creates strong habits and allow you to perform better and better and have more and more resilience. It is what creates mental toughness in soccer and help’s athletes reach peak athletic performance.
The path to greatness
Hi everyone! I’m Jenn and I create content to help female soccer players and coaches maximize individual and team potential by developing healthy mindset skills. Join other subscribers and sign up for the newsletter for all my best tips and advice!
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